Inspired by Craig Sharkie’s vw + vh === vnice talk at Respond16, in turn inspired by Mike Riethmuller’s blog post circa 2015 entitled Precise Control Responsive Typography, here’s my shot at a viewport scalable type mixin @mixin vdub
In a nut, this gives you fluid typography that scales on the size of the viewport. In detail, your base type sizes will scale between 12px and 24px, between a 400px and 1200px viewport. Optionally supply your own arguments to override those values.
Install VDub with Bower.
Install into the project…
bower install vdub
Import at the beginning of your stylesheet…
@import "../bower_components/vdub/scss/_vdub.scss";
Include the mixin…
@include vdub();
Optionally, include four arguments…
@include vdub(16, 32, 640, 1280);
The mixin optionally accepts four arguments min_font
, max_font
, min_width
, and max_width
. Sensible fallback values are built in, 12, 24, 400, and 1200. The order of arguments presumes you want to change font sizes first, and screen widths later.
Copyright © 2017– 3Easy & Co. VDub is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the license.