Programs in a nutshell:
- input
- computation
- output
Of course they don't have to happen only once/in a strict order.
The nature of the computation: two approaches a. the input is reflected in inner state changes - "imperative style" b. the input is transformed into the output using pure functions - "functional style"
Metaphysical background:
- in math,
a = a + 1
doesn't make sense - however, in nature, things are in constant change
- my age changes
- well, my birth date doesn't...
- ... but then time itself does
- we assume that the laws of physics don't change and numbers definitely don't
- Ship of Theseus will return a couple of times
Practical consequences:
- FP
- data dependencies are more transparent -> better concurrency
- IP
- the basic paradigm of CPU's -> easy to make fast
Let's start with values:
- most important property: cannot change (plain values)
- types (in Raku)
- Numeric: Rat, FatRat, Complex, Num, Int...
- Textual: Str
- composite structures (if they consist of plain values only)
- List, Map
- only according to my definition - doesn't behave like that
- there is ValueList and ValueMap :)
- Setty types: Set, Bag
- List, Map
Sigilless symbols:
- declared with \
- disclaimer: among other things - note to self: needs a better name
- referenced without any prefix(=sigil)
- bound to the right handside
- can be seen as alias when used with plain values
First runtime interactions:
- using rakubrew on Ubuntu, WSL
- major OS'es are supported
- please report issues you encounter
Calculations in the REPL:
- TODO: a show-off of some operators on numbers and strings
- basic numeric operators
- some method calls
- ~, x
- comparisons: at least numeric and textual