Clone this repo or download content of .hosting
Setup your Telegram Bot with BotFather and get the bot API token
Make changes to .hosting/.env
file by adding the token you received
Open .hosting
directory in the your terminal and run
docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.postgres.yaml up
Optioinally .env variables
SENTRY_DSN="YOUR_SENTRY_DSN" # send errors to Sentry
ConnectionStrings__Postgres="" # use external postgres connection
Setup your Telegram Bot with BotFather and get the bot API token
Set User secrets in project DomainManager like this:
"Bot" : {
Open src
directory in the your terminal and run
# build project
make build
# build and start postgre and application locally
make run
# stop local postgre instance
make stop
Or if you do not have make
# build project
dotnet build
# build and start postgre and application locally
docker compose -f " ../.hosting/docker-compose.postgres.local.yaml" up -d
dotnet run --project DomainManager
# stop local postgre instance
docker compose -f " ../.hosting/docker-compose.postgres.local.yaml" down