SnowflakeOS v0.6
This release marks the beginning of periodic releases for this project. This release is considered stable, as should all future releases. Release release release, is that even a word?
Launch the iso
qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom SnowflakeOS-v0.6.iso
Overview of the features in SnowflakeOS at this point in time:
- drivers: keyboard, mouse, vbe framebuffer
- ext2 support with basic system calls
- multiboot1 support
- ubsan support
- compilation with either clang or gcc
- preemptive scheduling
- custom libc
- kernel-space windowing system
- mouse pointer by @the-grue
- custom gui library for graphical apps
- graphical and cli user-space apps:
- paint clone
- file explorer
- dummy calculator app
- ls
Next releases will feature changelogs instead :)