building this data encryption tool that encrypts healthcare data to protect patient information.
i intend to implement AES or RSA encryption And I would get a way, maybe a working user interface for users to input data and also receive encrypted output by the way.
in otherwords, this tool encrypts healthcare data to protect patient information using AES or RSA encryption algorithms.
- Just install the dependencies i added:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- then, run the py app:
- you can view the web ui at
i usually reallocate ports for specific projects tho, yours might be5000
- AES: symmetric encryption. it requires a key for both encryption and decryption. more like one way thang!
- RSA: asymmetric encryption. just uses a pair of keys (like public and private key) for encryption and decryption. so, it is a two way thang!
- enter healthcare data and an encryption key in the web form i designed.
- then, select the encryption method and click "Encrypt" button to get the encrypted output. haha!
- add a decryption functionality.
- implement an additional encryption algorithm (or more).