diff --git a/students/1714080903223/pages/fortune-result/fortune-result.js b/students/1714080903223/pages/fortune-result/fortune-result.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7a76b980 --- /dev/null +++ b/students/1714080903223/pages/fortune-result/fortune-result.js @@ -0,0 +1,218 @@ +// pages/fortune-result.js +Page({ + + /** + * 页面的初始数据 + */ + data: { + pixelRatio: 0, + windowWidth: 0, + windowHeight: 0, + showBgImagePath: '', + showBgImagePath2: '../../images/showtextbg@2x.png', + showBgImagePath3: '../../images/showtextbg@3x.png', + dogBgImagePath: '', + dogBgImagePath2: '../../images/dog@2x.png', + dogBgImagePath3: '../../images/dog@3x.png', + qrBgImagePath: '../../images/qr@2x.jpg', + name: '', + title: '', + desc: '' + }, + + returnIndex: () => { + // 关闭跳转 + wx.redirectTo({ + url: '../index/index' + }) + }, + + /** + * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 + */ + onLoad: function (options) { + let that = this; + let arr = wx.getStorageSync('currentFortuneData') || {}; + this.setData({ + name: arr.name + '的2019运势', + title: arr.title, + desc: arr.desc + }) + + wx: wx.getSystemInfo({ + success: function (res) { + that.setData({ + pixelRatio: res.pixelRatio, + windowWidth: res.windowWidth, + windowHeight: res.windowHeight + }) + } + }) + }, + + /** + * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 + */ + onReady: function () { + this.drawCanvas(); + }, + + drawCanvas: function () { + // 根据像素比绘画不同的图片 + if (this.data.pixelRatio == 2) { + this.setData({ + showBgImagePath: this.data.showBgImagePath2, + dogBgImagePath: this.data.dogBgImagePath2 + }); + } else { + this.setData({ + showBgImagePath: this.data.showBgImagePath3, + dogBgImagePath: this.data.dogBgImagePath3 + }); + } + let ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('myCanvas'); + // 画布宽高 + let ctxW = this.data.windowWidth; + // let ctxH = this.data.windowHeight - 80; + let ctxH = 500; + // 默认像素比 + let pixelRatio = this.data.pixelRatio; + // 屏幕系数比,以设计稿375*667(iphone7)为例 + let XS = this.data.windowWidth / 375; + + // 垂直渐变 + const grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, ctxH); + grd.addColorStop(0, '#0E128D'); + grd.addColorStop(1, '#080E3A'); + ctx.setFillStyle(grd); + + ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctxW, ctxH); + + ctx.drawImage(this.data.showBgImagePath, ctxW / 2 - 158 * XS, 34 * XS, 317 * XS, 361 * XS); + ctx.drawImage(this.data.dogBgImagePath, 20 * XS, 331 * XS, 61 * XS, 98 * XS); + + ctx.setFontSize(18 * XS); + ctx.setFillStyle('#F7F7FA'); + ctx.setTextAlign('center'); + ctx.setTextBaseline('middle'); + ctx.fillText(this.data.name, ctxW / 2, 58 * XS); + + ctx.setTextAlign('center'); + ctx.setTextBaseline('middle'); + ctx.setFontSize(35 * XS); + ctx.setFillStyle('#232884'); + this.fontLineFeed(ctx, this.data.title, 1, 38 * XS, ctxW / 2, 120 * XS); + + ctx.setTextAlign('center'); + ctx.setTextBaseline('middle'); + ctx.setFontSize(14); + ctx.setFillStyle('#FF72A5'); + this.fontLineFeed(ctx, this.data.desc, 18 * XS, 20 * XS, 200 * XS, 330 * XS); + + ctx.drawImage(this.data.qrBgImagePath, ctxW / 2 - 46 * XS, 400 * XS, 80 * XS, 80 * XS); + + ctx.stroke(); + ctx.draw(); + }, + // 文字换行 + /** + * ctx,画布对象 + * str,需要绘制的文字 + * splitLen,切割的长度字符串 + * strHeight,每行文字之间的高度 + * x,位置 + * y + */ + fontLineFeed: function (ctx, str, splitLen, strHeight, x, y) { + let strArr = []; + for (let i = 0, len = str.length / splitLen; i < len; i++) { + strArr.push(str.substring(i * splitLen, i * splitLen + splitLen)); + } + let s = 0; + for (let j = 0, len = strArr.length; j < len; j++) { + s = s + strHeight; + ctx.fillText(strArr[j], x, y + s); + } + }, + // 保存图片 + saveImage: function (e) { + + wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ + canvasId: 'myCanvas', + success: function (res) { + console.log(res); + wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({ + filePath: res.tempFilePath, + success(result) { + wx.showToast({ + title: '图片保存成功', + icon: 'success', + duration: 2000 + }) + } + }) + } + }) + }, + + /** + * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 + */ + onShow: function () { + + }, + + /** + * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 + */ + onHide: function () { + + }, + + /** + * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 + */ + onUnload: function () { + + }, + + /** + * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 + */ + onPullDownRefresh: function () { + + }, + + /** + * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 + */ + onReachBottom: function () { + + }, + + /** + * 用户点击右上角分享 + */ + onShareAppMessage: function () { + return { + title: '2019运势小程序', + path: 'pages/index/index', + success: function (res) { + // 转发成功 + wx.showToast({ + title: '转发成功', + icon: 'success', + duration: 2000 + }) + }, + fail: function (res) { + // 转发失败 + wx.showToast({ + title: '转发失败', + icon: 'loading', + duration: 2000 + }) + } + } + } +}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/students/1714080903223/pages/fortune-result/fortune-result.json b/students/1714080903223/pages/fortune-result/fortune-result.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4b9a3242 --- /dev/null +++ b/students/1714080903223/pages/fortune-result/fortune-result.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "navigationBarTitleText": "2019运势" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/students/1714080903223/pages/fortune-result/fortune-result.wxml b/students/1714080903223/pages/fortune-result/fortune-result.wxml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f32c9fe4 --- /dev/null +++ b/students/1714080903223/pages/fortune-result/fortune-result.wxml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/students/1714080903223/pages/fortune-result/fortune-result.wxss b/students/1714080903223/pages/fortune-result/fortune-result.wxss new file mode 100644 index 00000000..291bfd76 --- /dev/null +++ b/students/1714080903223/pages/fortune-result/fortune-result.wxss @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +/* pages/fortune-result.wxss */ +.result-page{ + height: 100%; +} +.wrap { + height: auto; + min-height: 100%; + background-color: #080E3A; +} +.main { + padding-bottom: 80px; +} +.footer{ + height:80px; + margin-top: -80px; + display: flex; + /* background-image: linear-gradient(-180deg, #080E3A 98%, #080E3A 100%); */ + background-color: #080E3A; +} + +.btn-layout{ + flex: 1; +} +.btn-width{ + width: 306rpx; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/students/1714080903223/pages/index/index.js b/students/1714080903223/pages/index/index.js index 608a282e..12590454 100644 --- a/students/1714080903223/pages/index/index.js +++ b/students/1714080903223/pages/index/index.js @@ -4,51 +4,168 @@ const app = getApp() Page({ data: { - motto: 'Hello World', - userInfo: {}, - hasUserInfo: false, - canIUse: wx.canIUse('button.open-type.getUserInfo') + userInputName: '', + pixelRatio: '', + indexHeadBgSrc: '', + indexHeadBgSrc2: '../../images/constellation@2x.png', + indexHeadBgSrc3: '../../images/constellation@3x.png', + indexHeadInputBgSrc: '', + indexHeadInputBgSrc2: '../../images/inputbg@2x.png', + indexHeadInputBgSrc3: '../../images/inputbg@3x.png', + + fortuneArr: [ + { title: '旺旺旺', desc: '过去就过去了,俗话说的好,风水轮流转,2019年你将,一路旺到底。' }, + { title: '财运亨通', desc: '在今年你的财运指数up up up,恭喜你离土豪越来越接近了!' }, + { title: '颜值爆表', desc: '颜值即正义,颜值爆表的你,就是地球一道绚丽的风景线!' }, + { title: '吃不胖', desc: '不管是一日三餐,还是甜食夜宵,吃前吃后一个样,反正别人都胖我不胖。' }, + { title: '一夜暴富', desc: '你有福了,终于迎来转运,很有可能一夜暴富,横财爆发,不缺富贵不缺钱。' }, + { title: '升职加薪', desc: '今年你必定能运势旺,升职加薪出任CEO,迎娶白富美或嫁给高富帅。' }, + { title: '桃花不停', desc: '今年的桃花运旺盛,单身狗终于遇到了真爱,再也不用过光棍节了。' }, + { title: '暴瘦', desc: '今年的你将会暴瘦,瘦成一道闪电,亮瞎众人的双眼。' }, + { title: '年轻十岁', desc: '今年的你面色红润,青春焕彩,活力四射,年轻十岁不是梦。' }, + { title: '梦想成真', desc: '大胆想,勇敢做,万一梦想变成真,下个比尔盖斯就是你。' }, + { title: '事事顺心', desc: '今年家庭、事业、爱情将一帆风顺,事事顺心事事成。' }, + { title: '智商爆表', desc: '一眼就能识破真相,洞察和逻辑能力杠杠的,下个最强大脑就是你。' }, + { title: '赚一个亿', desc: '恭喜你,你的目标马上就能实现了,说不定你就是中国下一个王健林。' }, + { title: '两情相悦', desc: '新的一年终于不用做单身狗了,原来你爱的有刚好爱你。祝你幸福!' }, + { title: '走狗屎运', desc: '新的一年不是踩狗屎,而是走狗屎运,财运大把、贵人进门,万事大吉!' }, + { title: '不要装B', desc: '不要装AC,小心被雷劈。新的一年做人要真诚,做事要谨慎,这样就逢凶化吉啦!' }, + { title: '逢凶化吉', desc: '俗说人生不如意之事十有八九,善良的你往往能逢凶化吉。' }, + { title: '前途光明', desc: '历经风雨总能见彩虹,前方的路宽阔平坦,前程似锦。' }, + { title: '事业有成', desc: '抓住机遇,人生就像开了挂,飞鸿腾达,一飞冲天。' }, + { title: '人品爆棚', desc: '走在路上也能捡到钱,是时候要去买买彩票中大奖了。' }, + { title: '婚姻美满', desc: '和爱人拍拖多年,终于走上了婚姻的殿堂,从此过上幸福美满的生活。' }, + { title: '贵人相助', desc: '今年将会遇到一些不如意的事,所幸巧遇贵人,鼎力相助,走出困惑。' }, + { title: '财气冲天', desc: '2018发发发,赚它何止一个亿,从此过上土豪生活。' }, + { title: '步步高升', desc: '不管是学习还是工作,成绩和职位都大幅度提升,前途一片美好。' }, + { title: '创造奇迹', desc: '不要以为几率小就不可能发生,今年的你就能打破不可能,创造奇迹。' }, + { title: '666', desc: '今年的你不管是玩游戏还是做什么方面,都会得到众人的夸赞,忍不住举起大拇指:666' }, + { title: '扎心了', desc: '今年跟老铁们在一起请注意了,某些话某些动作总会扎你心。' }, + { title: '也是醉了', desc: '也许你对过去充满无奈、郁闷,新的一年收拾心情、重新出发,遇见更好的寄几!' }, + { title: '有钱任性', desc: '没错!有钱就可以任性,你就是这样的人,2018年将开始逆袭人生。' }, + { title: '靠脸吃饭', desc: '你的美貌倾国倾城,你完全可以靠脸吃饭,没必要靠才华赚钱。' }, + { title: '靠才华', desc: '明明可以靠脸吃饭,但你偏偏靠才华!你用实力证明了你寄几,可喜可贺!' }, + { title: '存款翻倍', desc: '钱包涨起来,存款涨起来。新一年你将越来越会做理财,存款正在成倍的往上升!' }, + { title: '扎心了', desc: '过去一年可能遇到了很多不顺新的事情,很扎心!莫担心,今年一切都会好起来。' }, + { title: '皮皮虾走', desc: '皮皮虾将带你走向人生巅峰,新的一年你将事事顺心。' }, + { title: '没毛病', desc: '今年运势没毛病,恭喜你将平步青云,涨薪啥的木有问题啦!' }, + { title: '猥琐发育', desc: '猥琐发育别浪~新的一年会沉稳一些,无论事业还是爱情都会有好的收获!' }, + { title: '大吉大利', desc: '大吉大利,今晚吃鸡!相信你能够成为最后的逃生者,赢取最终的胜利!' }, + { title: '百毒不侵', desc: '新的一年你将无所畏惧,无论遇到什么事情都无法伤害你!' }, + { title: '处变不惊', desc: '你拥有临危不惧的处事能力,这个能力非常重要,相信会对你未来带来大的变化!' }, + { title: '站起来撸', desc: '新年新气象,新的一年站起来干,你将会有不错的成果。' }, + { title: '撸起袖子', desc: '撸起袖子加油干!幸福都是靠自己来争取,相信你会越来越好' }, + { title: '摇到车牌', desc: '一线城市的车牌有多难相信你都知道了!恭喜你,有福星高照,很快就荣获一枚车牌。' }, + { title: '吃货一枚', desc: '空有一颗想减肥的心,偏偏生了一条吃货的命。横扫天下美食,享受人间美味。' }, + { title: '鞭策自己', desc: '既然选择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程,只为遇到更好的自己。' }, + { title: '戏精', desc: '语言肢体动作十分丰富,总能为身边的人带来欢乐,下个小金人就是你。' }, + { title: '不差钱', desc: '别人最多的是时间,而我最多的是金钱,怎么花都花不完。' }, + { title: '都是浮云', desc: '繁华落尽,曾经在意、不舍的东西,已不值一提。神马都是浮云!' }, + { title: '忌冷漠', desc: '2019待人冷漠对你极其不利,可能导致财物丢失,尽量待人和善为宜。' }, + ] }, //事件处理函数 - bindViewTap: function() { + bindViewTap: function () { + // 保留当前页跳转 wx.navigateTo({ url: '../logs/logs' }) + // 关闭跳转 + //wx.redirectTo({ + // url: '../logs/logs' + //}) }, - onLoad: function () { - if (app.globalData.userInfo) { - this.setData({ - userInfo: app.globalData.userInfo, - hasUserInfo: true - }) - } else if (this.data.canIUse){ - // 由于 getUserInfo 是网络请求,可能会在 Page.onLoad 之后才返回 - // 所以此处加入 callback 以防止这种情况 - app.userInfoReadyCallback = res => { - this.setData({ - userInfo: res.userInfo, - hasUserInfo: true - }) + // 用户输入的名字事件 + bindNameInput: function (e) { + this.setData({ + userInputName: e.detail.value + }) + }, + // 开始分析事件 + getUserFortune: function () { + if (this.data.userInputName) { + let currentFortuneData = this.getUserIsFortune(this.data.userInputName); + // 名字已经测试过运势 + if (currentFortuneData && currentFortuneData.name) { + wx.setStorageSync('currentFortuneData', currentFortuneData); + } else { + let max = this.data.fortuneArr.length; + let min = 0; + let ranNumber = parseInt(Math.random() * (max - min) + min, 10); + let obj = { 'title': this.data.fortuneArr[ranNumber].title, 'desc': this.data.fortuneArr[ranNumber].desc, 'name': this.data.userInputName }; + this.addUserFortune(obj); + wx.setStorageSync('currentFortuneData', obj); } + // 关闭跳转 + wx.redirectTo({ + url: '../fortune-result/fortune-result' + }) } else { - // 在没有 open-type=getUserInfo 版本的兼容处理 - wx.getUserInfo({ - success: res => { - app.globalData.userInfo = res.userInfo - this.setData({ - userInfo: res.userInfo, - hasUserInfo: true - }) - } + wx.showToast({ + title: '请输入您的名字', + icon: 'none', + duration: 2000 }) } }, - getUserInfo: function(e) { - console.log(e) - app.globalData.userInfo = e.detail.userInfo + // 判断该名字是否测试过运势 + getUserIsFortune: function (name) { + let returnVal = {}; + let arr = wx.getStorageSync('fortuneData') || []; + for (let i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { + if (arr[i].name == name) { + returnVal = arr[i]; + break; + } + } + return returnVal; + }, + addUserFortune: function (obj) { + let arr = wx.getStorageSync('fortuneData') || []; + arr.push(obj); + wx.setStorageSync('fortuneData', arr); + }, + onLoad: function (options) { + let pixelRatio = this.getPixelRatio(); + if (pixelRatio == 2) { + this.setData({ + indexHeadBgSrc: this.data.indexHeadBgSrc2, + indexHeadInputBgSrc: this.data.indexHeadInputBgSrc2, + + }); + } else { + this.setData({ + indexHeadBgSrc: this.data.indexHeadBgSrc3, + indexHeadInputBgSrc: this.data.indexHeadInputBgSrc3, + }); + } this.setData({ - userInfo: e.detail.userInfo, - hasUserInfo: true + pixelRatio: pixelRatio + }); + }, + //获取设备像素比 + getPixelRatio: function () { + let pixelRatio = 0 + wx.getSystemInfo({ + success: function (res) { + pixelRatio = res.pixelRatio + }, + fail: function () { + pixelRatio = 0 + } }) + return pixelRatio + }, + onReady: function () { + // 页面渲染完成 + }, + onShow: function () { + // 页面显示 + }, + onHide: function () { + // 页面隐藏 + }, + onUnload: function () { + // 页面关闭 } -}) +}) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/students/1714080903223/pages/index/index.json b/students/1714080903223/pages/index/index.json index 8835af06..4b9a3242 100644 --- a/students/1714080903223/pages/index/index.json +++ b/students/1714080903223/pages/index/index.json @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ { - "usingComponents": {} + "navigationBarTitleText": "2019运势" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/students/1714080903223/pages/index/index.wxml b/students/1714080903223/pages/index/index.wxml index 63286246..effb5bca 100644 --- a/students/1714080903223/pages/index/index.wxml +++ b/students/1714080903223/pages/index/index.wxml @@ -1,19 +1,25 @@ - - - - - 选择时间日期呀 - - + + + 猪年是人生的转折点,最有望咸鱼翻身! + 不同的姓名都预示着不同的运势 + - Welcome + - - 请选择日期 + + + + + 请输入你的名字 + + + 点击[测一测]按钮,查看你的猪年运势 + - - 请选择时间 + + + - - + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/students/1714080903223/pages/index/index.wxss b/students/1714080903223/pages/index/index.wxss index ac6050c2..ae7c71fd 100644 --- a/students/1714080903223/pages/index/index.wxss +++ b/students/1714080903223/pages/index/index.wxss @@ -1,53 +1,61 @@ /**index.wxss**/ -page{ - background-color: rgb(112, 245, 216) -} -.container{ - display: flex; 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} -.moto{ - font-size: 36rpx; - font-weight: bold; - line-height: 80rpx; - color: black; - font-family: STXinwei; +.index-head-input-title-desc{ + margin-top: 40rpx; + font-size: 22rpx; } -.userinfo-avatar { - width: 128rpx; - height: 128rpx; - margin: 20rpx; - border-radius: 50%; +.index-head-input-context{ + position: absolute; + top: 0; + left: 0; + right: 0; + bottom: 0; } -.userinfo-nickname { - color: #aaa; +.fortune-input{ + margin-top: 60rpx; + /*border: 1rpx solid #aaa;*/ + width:472rpx; + margin:0 auto; + height:88rpx; } -.usermotto { - margin-top: 200px; +.index-logo-img{ + display: block; + margin-top:40rpx; + width: 174rpx; + height: 48rpx; } \ No newline at end of file