- module: inject logger for module
- module: inject module user
- package: add command server
- server: output ip info while server up
- module: add definition for module user
- package: add definition for package @notadd/user
- module: add definition for backend module
- package: reset package to private
- publish: fix error for publish
- application: add module definitions
- application: add logo output for application create
- gulp: add task definition for gulp
- package: add package @notadd/server
- package: add command dev, and remove task move for gulp
- package: init for package @notadd/core
- package: add workspace for yarn and make gulp task run well
- package: add script definition for package
- package: add typescript config and tslint config
- package: add dev dependencies
- package: init package for @notadd/backend and @notadd/common
- package: init package
- server: add bootstrap for server
- server: add server entry and other dependencies
- typescript: add config for @notadd/common and @notadd/backend