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198 lines (166 loc) · 9.15 KB

File metadata and controls

198 lines (166 loc) · 9.15 KB

Visitor App

An application to track visitors in an office with check in/check out record and notification with emails

Demo Link HERE

working features

  1. Add a Host by clicking on Manage Hosts
  2. Add a visitor entry by clicking Add Entry
  3. Checkout a visitor by clicking on the table row at home page
  4. Select and Archive entries (click delete or archive icon at top)
  5. Select and Delete entries (click delete or archive icon at top)
  • An email will be sent to Host and Visitor during checkin
  • An email will be sent to Visitor at checkout
  • For now sms feature has been disabled due to low credits

To run the application

The email and sms service wont work without the api keys for gmail and MSG91(see .env.example at /registry)

The main app is at /registry. The frontend has already been compiled and added to server files.

git clone
cd VisitorManagerApp/registry
npm i
npm build
npm start

The vue frontend is at frontend To test

cd frontend
npm run serve

To Build This will compile the frontend code and move it to public folder of the server dir.registry/public

npm run build

Now you can run the server with (/registry) npm run dev

Or Compile and run at /registry npm run build npm start

Resources Used:

  • Docker was used for deploying to heroku
  • But the database is hosted on mlab


Typescript provides typing for javascript , link
Node/Express node
Mongo/Mongoose node library for mongo
Axios networking library
Celebrate & Joi express middleware for request validation
Typedi Dependency injection framework
nodemailer mailing library
Winston logging library
Event-Dispatch library for event based execution

Reason for using typescript

Typescript provides much better structure to the overall project with its interfaces and typing feature. Its most useful with used together with Dependency Injection tools like typedi as demonstrated here

The Backend Structure

|-- AssignInno
    |-- package-lock.json
    |-- package.json
    |-- tests.ts
    |-- tsconfig.json
    |-- public
     |-- src
        |-- index.ts
        |-- api
        |   |-- v1
        |       |-- hosts
        |       |-- records
        |-- config
        |   |-- Msg91.ts
        |   |-- index.ts
        |-- controller
        |   |-- entry
        |   |-- hosts
        |-- interface
        |   |-- IEntry.ts
        |   |-- IHost.ts
        |-- loaders
        |   |-- dependecyFactory.ts
        |   |-- express.ts
        |   |-- index.ts
        |   |-- logger.log
        |   |-- logger.ts
        |   |-- mongoose.ts
        |-- middlewares
        |   |-- auth.ts
        |   |-- index.ts
        |-- models
        |   |-- Entry.ts
        |   |-- Host.ts
        |-- services
        |   |-- EmailService
        |   |-- EntryService
        |   |-- HostService
        |-- subscribers
        |   |-- EventRegister.ts
        |-- utils

package description
loaders has services that loads all depencies for express and sets it up like mongo,loggers etc
api Contains the api logic. which is handled by its respective Controllers
controller Interacts with the router responses and the different services
services Contains specific services that deals with the databases or email services. These are the main data sources or api executors
middlewares Contains the middlewares for authentication. No auth was implemented in this project
subscribers Has event handlers using the event-dispatch library. events like checkin and checkout are caught by these callbacks and various services like email and sms services are executed. These events are called by the Controllers during checkin and checkout
config configuration keys.
interface Contains interfaces for typescript.
models Contains the database models.
utils Contains global utility functions.
  • nodemailer implemented with gmail oauth2

frontend :

Typescript provides typing for javascript , link
Vue Js framework for frontend web dev
Vuex State management Library
VueRouter Routing library
Axios : Networking Library
Typedi : Dependency injection framework
Vuetify : Material design library for vue

The Frontend Structure

|-- AssignInno
    |-- public
    |   |-- favicon.ico
    |   |-- index.html
    |-- src
    |   |-- App.vue
    |   |-- main.ts
    |   |-- shims-tsx.d.ts
    |   |-- shims-vue.d.ts
    |   |-- api
    |   |   |-- ApiModule.ts
    |   |   |-- EntryService.ts
    |   |   |-- HostService.ts
    |   |-- assets
    |   |-- components
    |   |   |-- Footer.vue
    |   |-- plugins
    |   |   |-- vuetify.ts
    |   |-- router
    |   |   |-- index.ts
    |   |-- store
    |   |   |-- index.ts
    |   |   |-- models
    |   |   |   |-- IEntry.ts
    |   |   |-- modules
    |   |       |-- ArchiveModule.ts
    |   |       |-- HomeModule.ts
    |   |-- utils
    |   |   |-- index.ts
    |   |-- views
    |       |-- About.vue
    |       |-- AddEntry.vue
    |       |-- Archive.vue
    |       |-- Home.vue
    |       |-- ManageHosts.vue
    |-- tests
        |-- unit
            |-- .eslintrc.js
            |-- example.spec.ts
Package Description
Api Contains services that handles all database calls
router contains router file
store Contains the vuex store and modules
views Contains the views file