the first one in Biweekly Contest 38.
Difficulty : Easy
Related Topics : Array、Sort
Given an array of integers
, sort the array in increasing order based on the frequency of the values. If multiple values have the same frequency, sort them in decreasing order.Return the sorted array.
Input: nums = [1,1,2,2,2,3] Output: [3,1,1,2,2,2] Explanation: '3' has a frequency of 1, '1' has a frequency of 2, and '2' has a frequency of 3.
Input: nums = [2,3,1,3,2] Output: [1,3,3,2,2] Explanation: '2' and '3' both have a frequency of 2, so they are sorted in decreasing order.
Input: nums = [-1,1,-6,4,5,-6,1,4,1] Output: [5,-1,4,4,-6,-6,1,1,1]
1 <= nums.length <= 100
-100 <= nums[i] <= 100
- mine
- Java
Runtime: 4 ms, faster than 96.80%, Memory Usage: 39.4 MB, less than 22.76% of Java online submissions
public int[] frequencySort(int[] nums) { int n = nums.length; Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); for (int num : nums) { map.put(num, map.getOrDefault(num, 0) + 1); } List<Integer>[] list = new List[n + 1]; for (int num : map.keySet()) { int count = map.get(num); if (list[count] == null) list[count] = new ArrayList<>(); list[count].add(num); } int[] res = new int[n]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= n && index < n; i++) { if (list[i] == null) continue; List<Integer> t = list[i]; Collections.sort(t, (o1, o2) -> o2 - o1); for (int j = 0; j < t.size(); j++) { int num = t.get(j); for (int k = 0; k < i; k++) { res[index++] = num; } } } return res; }
- Java
- the most votes
Runtime: 6 ms, faster than 71.23%, Memory Usage: 39 MB, less than 22.76% of Java online submissions
public int[] frequencySort(int[] nums) { var freq = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (int n : nums) { freq.put(n, 1 + freq.getOrDefault(n, 0)); } var pq = new PriorityQueue<Integer>((i, j) -> freq.get(i) == freq.get(j) ? j - i : freq.get(i) - freq.get(j)); for (int n : nums) { pq.offer(n); } int i = 0; int[] ans = new int[nums.length]; while(!pq.isEmpty()) { ans[i++]= pq.poll(); } return ans; }