the second one in Weekly Contest 194.
Difficulty : Medium
Related Topics : String、HashTable
Given an array of strings
of sizen
. You will createn
folders in your file system such that, at the ith minute, you will create a folder with the namenames[i]
.Since two files cannot have the same name, if you enter a folder name which is previously used, the system will have a suffix addition to its name in the form of
, where, k is the smallest positive integer such that the obtained name remains unique.Return an array of strings of length
is the actual name the system will assign to theith
folder when you create it.Input: names = ["pes","fifa","gta","pes(2019)"] Output: ["pes","fifa","gta","pes(2019)"] Explanation: Let's see how the file system creates folder names: "pes" --> not assigned before, remains "pes" "fifa" --> not assigned before, remains "fifa" "gta" --> not assigned before, remains "gta" "pes(2019)" --> not assigned before, remains "pes(2019)"
Input: names = ["gta","gta(1)","gta","avalon"] Output: ["gta","gta(1)","gta(2)","avalon"] Explanation: Let's see how the file system creates folder names: "gta" --> not assigned before, remains "gta" "gta(1)" --> not assigned before, remains "gta(1)" "gta" --> the name is reserved, system adds (k), since "gta(1)" is also reserved, systems put k = 2. it becomes "gta(2)" "avalon" --> not assigned before, remains "avalon"
Input: names = ["onepiece","onepiece(1)","onepiece(2)","onepiece(3)","onepiece"] Output: ["onepiece","onepiece(1)","onepiece(2)","onepiece(3)","onepiece(4)"] Explanation: When the last folder is created, the smallest positive valid k is 4, and it becomes "onepiece(4)".
Input: names = ["wano","wano","wano","wano"] Output: ["wano","wano(1)","wano(2)","wano(3)"] Explanation: Just increase the value of k each time you create folder "wano".
Input: names = ["kaido","kaido(1)","kaido","kaido(1)"] Output: ["kaido","kaido(1)","kaido(2)","kaido(1)(1)"] Explanation: Please note that system adds the suffix (k) to current name even it contained the same suffix before.
1 <= names.length <= 5 * 10^4
1 <= names[i].length <= 20
consists of lower case English letters, digits and/or round brackets.
- mine
- Java
Runtime: 42 ms, faster than 100.00%, Memory Usage: 56 MB, less than 100.00% of Java online submissions
// O(N)time O(N)space public String[] getFolderNames(String[] names) { String[] res = new String[names.length]; Map<String, Integer> recordCount = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (recordCount.containsKey(names[i])) { int index = recordCount.get(names[i]) + 1; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(names[i]).append("(").append(index).append(")"); String t = builder.toString(); while (recordCount.containsKey(t)) { index++; builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(names[i]).append("(").append(index).append(")"); t = builder.toString(); } recordCount.put(names[i], index); recordCount.put(t, 0); res[i] = t; } else { recordCount.put(names[i], 0); res[i] = names[i]; } } return res; }
- Java