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Review of keccak-f AIR

The keccak-air from Plonky3 is an AIR that does one keccak-f[1600] permutation every NUM_ROUNDS = 24 rows (henceforth we call this the keccak-f AIR to avoid confusion). All rows in the round have the same preimage, which is the starting state prior to the permutation, represented as 5 * 5 * 4 u16 limbs (the state in the spec is 5 * 5 u64s, but since the AIR uses a 31-bit field, the u64 is broken into u16s).

The keccak-f permutation copies preimage to A and mutates A over rounds. The mutations are materialized in the keccak-f AIR in A' and A'' arrays. While the bits of A' are materialized, the bits of preimage and A are never materialized (there is an implicit bit compostion in the constraints).

Review of keccak256 sponge

The keccak256 hash function on variable length byte arrays works by two main steps:

  1. Padding the input to a multiple of RATE_IN_BYTES = 136 bytes. The padding can be described as appending a 1 bit, then multiple 0s, and another 1 to get the length to a multiple of RATE_IN_BYTES. In bytes this means appending 0x01, then multiples 0x00 and a final 0x80 because the keccak-f state conversion uses little-endian.
  2. Absorb the padded input RATE_IN_BYTES bytes at a time into the state, and then applying the keccak-f permutation. Here absorb means to XOR the input with the state.

The output is "squeezed" by reading the first 32 bytes of the state. The combination of absorb and squeeze is what makes the keccak256 hash function a sponge construction.


In our VM's keccak256 hasher AIR, the AIR will add columns and constraints to the keccak-f AIR to make it stateful, meaning that the transition of preimage between different keccak-f permutations will be constrained based on the instructions received.

We add KECCAK_RATE_U16S = 136 / 2 columns for the input to be absorbed. It seems to handle padding in a single AIR row there is no alternate to having 136 columns with bits to represent whether it is padding byte or not.

The absorb step must correctly constrain that the input bytes are XORed with the end-state in the last round and equals the next permutation's preimage. The end-state is accessed via a_prime_prime_prime(). Note that both preimage and a_prime_prime_prime() are represented as u16s. However we can only XOR at most 8-bit limbs. Without changing the keccak-f AIR itself, we can use a trick: if we already have a 16-bit limb x and we also provide a 8-bit limb hi = x >> 8, assuming x and hi have been range checked, we can use the expression lo = x - hi * 256 for the low byte. If lo is range checked to 8-bits, this constrains a valid byte decomposition of x into hi, lo. This means in terms of trace cells, it is equivalent to provide x, hi versus hi, lo.

The constraints are in Notably we use an XOR lookup table for byte XORs in the absorb step.

Future Improvement

Currently most of the columns in KeccakOpcodeCols and KeccakSpongeCols only change every NUM_ROUNDS = 24 rows for a keccak-f block. It will likely save more cells if this part is split out into a separate AIR which communicates with the keccak-f AIR via interactions. However this requires some care in matching up rows via timestamps, so it is not currently implemented.
