《A Centralized “Zero-Queue” Datacenter Network》.pdf
《A Comprehensive Overview of TCP Congestion Control in 5G Networks Research Challenges and Future Perspectives》.pdf
《A Decision-Analytic Approach for P2P Cooperation Policy Setting》.pdf
《A Design and Implementation of Active Network Socket Programming 》.pdf
《A High-Performance Implementation of an IoT System Using DPDK》.pdf
《A Look Back at “Security Problems in the TCPIP Protocol Suite”》.pdf
《A Scriptable High-Speed Packet Generator》.pdf
《A Simple Model for Analyzing P2P Streaming Protocols》.pdf
《A Simpler and Faster NIC Driver Model for Network Functions》.pdf
《A Survey of Asynchronous Programming Using Coroutines in the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems》.pdf
《A component-based approach to the design of networked control systems》.pdf
《A proposal to add coroutines to the C++ standard library (Revision 1)》.pdf
《A verified abstract machine for functional coroutines》.pdf
《Adding async RAII support to coroutines》.pdf
《An Adaptive Throughput-First Packet Scheduling Algorithm for DPDK-Based Packet Processing Systems》.pdf
《An Experiment of Container Networking using OpenVSwitch-DPDK》.pdf
《An Experimental review on Intel DPDK L2 Forwarding》.pdf
《Attaining the Promise and Avoiding the Pitfalls of TCP in the Datacenter》.pdf
《Base of the Networking Protocol – TCPIP Its Design and Security Aspects》.pdf
《Beej’s Guide to Network Programming》.pdf
《Bitcoin A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System》.pdf
《Combining TCP and UDP for Secure Data Transfer》.pdf
《Comparative Evaluation of Kernel Bypass Mechanisms for High-performance Inter-container Communications》.pdf
《Configtron Tackling network diversity with heterogeneous configurations》.pdf
《Coroutines TS for C++2a》.pdf
《DPDK based Improvement of Packet Forwarding》.pdf
《Designs and Evaluation of a Tracker in P2P Networks》.pdf
《Developing DPDK-Accelerated Virtual Switch Solutions for Cloud Service Providers》.pdf
《Dissecting Performance of Production QUIC》.pdf
《Embedding Covert Channels into TCPIP》.pdf
《Evaluating Predictors of Congestion Collapse in Communication Networks》.pdf
《Exploiting DPDK in Containerized Environment with Unsupported Hardware》.pdf
《FloWatcher-DPDK lightweight line-rate flow-level monitoring in software》.pdf
《Full TCPIP for 8-Bit Architectures》.pdf
《High-speed Software Data Plane via Vectorized Packet Processing》.pdf
《Incremental Approach Coroutine TS + Core Coroutines》.pdf
《Innovating Transport with QUIC Design Approaches and Research Challenges》.pdf
《Interaction between TCP and UDP flows in Wireless Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks》.pdf
《Introduction to TCPIP Network Attacks》.pdf
《Kademlia A Peer-to-peer Information System Based on the XOR Metric》.pdf
《MIMIQ Masking IPs with Migration in QUIC》.pdf
《NetKAT Semantic Foundations for Networks》.pdf
《Network Application Frameworks》.pdf
《Network Functions Virtualisation。.pdf
《Network Programming in Age of Empires and Beyond 》.pdf
《Network Programming》.pdf
《OReilly - Java Network Programming 2ed》.pdf
《Observations of UDP to TCP Ratio and Port Numbers》.pdf
《Operational Semantics for Declarative Networking》.pdf
《P2P File-Sharing in Hell Exploiting BitTorrent Vulnerabilities to Launch Distributed Reflective DoS Attacks》.pdf
《Payload Caching High-Speed Data Forwarding for Network Intermediaries》.pdf
《Peer-to-Peer (P2P) File Sharing Applications and their Threat to the Corporate Environment》.pdf
《Peer-to-Peer Architecture Case Study Gnutella Network》.pdf
《Performance of TCPIP Over Next Generation Broadband Wireless Access Networks》.pdf
《Performance of UDP and TCP Communication on Personal Computers》.pdf
《Performant TCP for Low-Power Wireless Networks》.pdf
《Portable Desktop Applications Based on P2P Transportation and Virtualization》.pdf
《Proceedings of the First Symposium onNetworked Systems Design and Implementation》.pdf
《Protocol Independence Using the Sockets API》.pdf
《Reflections on Active Networking》.pdf
《Reliable Blast UDP Predictable High Performance Bulk Data Transfer》.pdf
《Research on Computer Programming Optimization System Based on Big Data Technology》.pdf
《Revisiting Coroutines》.pdf
《SNP An Interface for Secure Network Programming》.pdf
《Scalable Network IO in Linux》.pdf
《Scalable TCP Throughput Limitation Monitoring》.pdf
《Secure WWW Transactions Using Standard HTTP and Java Applets》.pdf
《Self-Stabilizing Structured Ring Topology P2P Systems》.pdf
《ShieldBox Secure Middleboxes using Shielded Execution》.pdf
《Slipstream Automatic Interprocess Communication Optimization》.pdf
《Socket Programming 》.pdf
《SoftNIC A Software NIC to Augment Hardware》.pdf
《StackMap Low-Latency Networking with the OS Stack and Dedicated NICs》.pdf
《TCPIP Acceleration for Telco Cloud》.pdf
《Taking a Long Look at QUIC》.pdf
《The Benefits and Costs of Writing a POSIX Kernel in a High-Level Language》.pdf
《The Networks of Reinvention》.pdf
《The QUIC Transport Protocol:Design and Internet-Scale Deployment》.pdf
《The Secure Socket API TLS as an Operating System Service》.pdf
《The Secure Socket API TLS as an Operating System Service(USENIX)》.pdf
《Toward Efficient Querying of Compressed Network Payloads》.pdf
《Towards Securing the Internet of Things with QUIC》.pdf
《Towards including batch services in models for DPDK-based virtual switches》.pdf
《TrapezeIP TCPIP at Near-Gigabit Speeds》.pdf
《UHD-DPDK Performance Analysis for Advanced Software Radio Communications》.pdf
《User Space Network Drivers》.pdf
《Using TCPIP traffic shaping to achieve iSCSI service predictability》.pdf
《View on 5G Architecture》.pdf
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《Virtual Switch Acceleration with OVS-TC》.pdf
《adaptive and precise intermittent packet retrieval in DPDK》.pdf
《intel dpdk vsphere solution brief》.pdf
《mTCP A Highly Scalable User-level TCP Stack for Multicore Systems》.pdf
《netmap Memory Mapped Access To Network Devices》.pdf
《netmap a novel framework for fast packet IO》.pdf
《packetdrill Scriptable Network Stack Testing, from Sockets to Packets》.pdf
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Jul 14, 2021
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