The payload uses GDI to spawn a few dozens layered / most on top / transparent windows where slimes sprites are animated. It draws on the windows using Device Independent Bitmaps. DIBs are basically a palette of RGB colors as well as an array of 1 byte pixels.
There is a master window that receives a message WM_TIMER
at regular interval and that invalidates every windows' client area. This triggers WM_PAINT
messages so that every window can update their window.
The Python script preprocesses the sprites directory and generates a valid compressed set of DIBs that the program will draw using StretchDIBits.
Thanks to kaze for inspiration and his blogposts regarding GDI.
To build the payload, you just have to run nmake
from a VS 2017 x64 prompt.
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.16.27034.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
taskkill /f /im payload.exe
ERROR: The process "payload.exe" not found.
if not exist .\bin mkdir bin
python src\ sprites
cl /O1 /nologo /ZI /W3 /D_AMD64_ /DWIN_X64 /sdl /Febin\payload.exe src\ /link /nologo /debug:full user32.lib
del *.obj *.pdb *.idb
if exist .\bin del bin\*.exp bin\*.ilk bin\*.lib
start .\bin\payload.exe
This creates a payload.exe
/ payload.pdb
file inside the payload\bin