- Reproduction of labor & relations
- Reproductive labor
- Labor force learns know-how, and they are all destined for a specific role, they learn to respect discipline and the division of labor. They learn the “rules”
- They must not only reproduce labor, they must reproduce submission to “the rules” through false consciousness.
- Infrastructure/Superstructure
- Infrastructure—economic base: produces unity of productive forces and relations of production
- Superstructure—two levels: law and state; ideology (different ideologies, religious, ethical, legal, political, etc.)
- Determinism
- Base determines superstructure.
- Ideology is a projection of the consciousness of the ruling class.
- Superstructure is either autonomous or reciprocal to the base.
- Althusser says enacting the belief creates the belief. “Kneel and pray and then you will believe”
- Zizek - “Ideology persists in one’s actions rather than in one’s beliefs” (Chun, 44)
- Hegemony (Gramsci)
- Pervert’s Guide to Ideology
- The Matrix: Red Pill
- Programming
- Direct Programming
- Symbolic programming
- Automatic Programming
- Democratization of programming
- Erasure of women programmers
- Transition from commanding a woman to commanding a computer
- Structured Programming - hides the machine
- Mastery
- Causal pleasure and absolute control
- Direct Manipulation & direct engagement (GUI)
- User amplification
- Rhetoric of Interactivity
- Cognitive Map (Jameson)
- False consciousness (Chun, 43)
- Causality - meaning of the law
- Composite of Software/Hardware (Chun, 28, via Kittler)
- Ideology and its critique (Chun, 44)
- Interface of society (Galloway, 54)
- Ideology as conceptual interface (Galloway, 58)
- User/Programmer - determinism (Galloway, 58)
- Fetishism (Galloway, 60, 64)
- Obfuscation and reflection (Encapsulation and transcoding) (Galloway, 64, 65,66, 68, 69)
- Functionality (Galloway, 69)
- American Artist, Black Gooey Universe
- Hito Steyerl, How Not To Be Seen: A Fucking Didactic Educational .MOV File, 2013
- Sondra Perry, netherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 1.0.2, 2016
- Sondra Perry, Double Quadruple Etcetera Etcetera I & II, 2013
- Trevor Paglen, Trevor Paglen Shows Us How Computers See The World
- Trevor Paglen, Autonomy Cube
- Ian Cheng, BOB, Emissaries
- Ryan Kuo, The Pointer, 2018
- Example, 2013-2014
- American Artist, Prosthetic Knowledge of the Dignity Image, 2016